Membership: BVRA represents primarily Banstead Village with a membership of around half the population. It is one of the largest residents’ associations in the borough. If you would like to join us please contact our treasurer (contact details below) in the first instance.
Group email: Banstead-BVRA@outlook.com
Meetings: Executive meetings are currently held monthly with the exception of December, on the last Tuesday of the month. In addition, there are smaller sub groups that meet regularly to discuss Planning issues, Local Highways and Infrastructure, Village centre management and Internal Affairs.
Subscriptions: At the present time, the annual subscription is £5 per year per household, which includes the cost of producing three editions of our newssheets, support costs and our other activities. For those familiar with internet banking our bank account details are as follows: Sort Code: 30-98-90, Account Number: 16716560, Account Name: Banstead Village Residents Association (abbreviated to Banstead Village Residents Assn 2). Please ensure that you complete the reference with your address (abbreviated if necessary). Preferred payment date is 1st July. Please setup as a standing order to repeat annually.
For those not familiar with internet banking, please download and complete the attached form and send it to your bank - click here for the form.
Road Stewards: Our network of around 80 road stewards forms the heart of our operations. They are responsible for delivering the newssheets and collecting the subscriptions which also provides members with a channel of communications to the Committee. We currently have the following vacancies:
Forge Steading, High Street (north side), Wingfield Court and Yewlands Close.
If you would like to take part, or know anyone who might be interested, please contact us at the email address above.
Banstead over 100 years ago (1888) map click here for map.
Contact if you have any concerns about local matters or just wish to know more about us, please feel free to contact:
David Talbot - Chairman and Treasurer
Catalina Vassallo–Bonner – Planning and secretary
Key Documents (click to open):
List of Chairmen our Constitution and our Data Privacy Policy