Banstead Village is the largest ward in the northern part of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead. There has been a settlement here since before 1066. Banstead is mentioned in the Domesday Book. The High Street provides for the everyday needs of the members of the village and surrounding areas. There are rail, road and bus links to Sutton, Epsom and London. Gatwick and Heathrow airports are within easy reach.
Banstead Village Residents’ Association (BVRA) is non political and dedicated to preserving and enhancing the amenities of the Village. It aims to advance and protect the interests of local residents in Local Government affairs and engage in such other activities as would benefit the wider membership.
Members of the Executive Committee are involved with both Reigate and Banstead Council (RBBC) and Surrey County Council (SCC) in local planning matters, and the management of the Village Centre. BVRA is a member of the Banstead and District Federation of Residents’ Associations.
The Banstead and District Federation of Residents’ Associations was founded in 1948 and it comprises all the Residents' Associations in Reigate and Banstead north of the M25 - Please see the 'Local Contacts' tab for details of the Associations. The Federation has about 10,000 paid up members and looks after the interests of some 30,000 residents who live north of the M25.
The Federation meets quarterly and has welcomed visiting speakers to our executive committee meetings who between them are responsible for many aspects of our life, including MPs, Senior Councillors and representatives of other local and national organisations.
Our interests and concerns are the same as those of the constituent Residents’ Associations, with an emphasis on cross-ward issues: planning, the Green Belt, infrastructure, health and education. The protection and welfare of the community; the good government of the district and the preservation of its amenities are key.
The Federation is not affiliated to any political party and is a member of the National Organisation of Residents' Associations (NORA) which lobbies the government and others on a wide range of issues affecting residents nationally.