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Newssheet- Our normal schedule is as follows:  Winter - mid November to mid January;   Spring / Summer - mid March to mid May; Autumn - mid August to mid October.   Please let us know if you haven't received your copy within these timescales.

Bank Branch closures.

The Post Office are offering a number of facilities to help with the closure of some of our banking branches. 

  Click here for a larger image.

We understand that Barclays is offering a pop-up service in the Civic Centre in the Horseshoe

from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Proposed closure of Banstead Fire Station - Please click to expand..

National Digital Switchover.  This now reaching the Surrey area and we understand that BT are hosting an open meeting from 10.30 – 1.30 on Wednesday 21st August at Banstead Library in order to explain what will happen, when it will happen  and how it will affect people.

Foster Parents Needed. Surrey urgently needs more foster parents. There are over 1,000 children in foster care but only 400 foster parents. If you would like to help or find out more, please email Cllr Luke Bennett  -, watch this video  Any of Us - YouTube  or visit the Surrey County Council Fostering web pages: Fostering - Surrey County Council (

Christmas Lights and Event - 40% Club.    

  • The purpose of the 40% club is to raise money for the maintenance, upkeep and improvement of the Banstead village Christmas lights and Christmas event.

  • Why is it called the 40% club? Prizes will total 40% of monies collected. So we all win.

  • Once you provide a few personal details here  we will contact you with the bank details you need to join the 40% club and inform you of prize draw information.

  • You can ask to have your details removed at anytime

Green Spaces - Have your say: Would you like to have a say in how we use our greens-aces? The council would like to hear form you. Just omcplete a short survey which you can find online or via email at You can find paper copies at community centres or the town hall. 

Tree Planting.     List of proposed tree planting locations.   Click here

Talking Newspaper - Free service for the blind, partially sighted and those who have difficulty reading text - click here

​ROTARY - Get Involved flyers here and here

Rotary - latest newsletter  and Myth Buster - click here. 

Age Concern - latest newsletter - click here.

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