Telephone: 999 in emergencies or contact your local police: Local Police website or 'In the know' (click on the underlines to follow the links.)
In an non emergency you can ring 101 and ask to speak to the Reigate and Banstead Neighbourhood Team based at the Reigate Town Hall. If we are not available, the operator can be asked to leave us with a message or you can directed towards our voicemail if we are not on duty when the call comes through. You can also come to the front desk of Reigate Police Station between 8am and 10pm or use the yellow phone outside the police station outside these hours.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team are based at the Town Hall so that we can liaise with other agencies and members of the public are welcome to contact us there if they require a face to face conversation or we can try and visit at the home address or even somewhere else if necessary. The team are also available via email at ReigateandBanstead@surrey.pnn.police.uk
Beware - HMRC Scam Alerts.. Click here for more information, or click here for some simple advice on what to do.
Burglary prevention advice - click here for details